Entering the Dragon
A new time is upon us.
A time when all of the lessons we have learned, the wisdom we have collected and the scars that have healed to reveal even more realizations about ourselves and others come to a place of A-HA. “Oh, I see it now. I see why I went through all of that. I get the reason I had to experience that pain. It really DID have a purpose.” If you have been wondering why - you are about to learn the reason.
You see, doors are closing and timelines are collapsing. Choices are becoming clearer and the way forward is being shown. For those of us who really do not wish to go the way that is being opened, there are souls who are taking us by the arms and shoulders and guiding us in that direction anyway. Gently guiding and providing reassurance invisibly and even using others by proxy.
Many are waking up and feeling completely different than when they fell asleep. Their wants and desires are shifting, their preferences no longer match up to the ones those around them are familiar with. Something has just clicked within them. I am seeing it more and more in my clients and the people around me. We are changing and the world around us is also changing.
Enter the Dragon.
There is a fire within that cannot be ignored. A drive that comes without warning to push us into battle FOR something greater than our fears. A fierce aliveness that refuses to be quenched - just as the fire in a dragon’s belly can never be fully extinguished, it sits there, ready, waiting and available for use whenever it is called upon.
We are entering the Era of the Dragon. When the people will rise with a fierce fire in their bellies, ready to be used and re-used and unleashed over and over again. This fire will never backdraft and harm the user for it has a sacred quality to it. It is not the fire of any lower emotion, but the fire of righteousness.
Do you feel it?
Have you felt the rising within yourself?
Have you seen the rising within others?
Have you felt your dragon on the other side of the veil?
Reach for it. Call to it. Let it know you are listening for it is only waiting for the right time to awaken the dragon within you.
Sit quietly and breathe. Allow yourself to settle and on your tenth breath silently call for your dragon within. Let it know you are awake and aware of its presence. Ask it to reveal itself to you under the Law of Oneness and in the name of unconditional love. Tell it your fears and allow it burn them away and replace them with strength and courageousness. Ask it for its wisdom to be integrated within you for the highest good of all and with harm to none and watch the magic unfold within your own life.