A Letter from My Ancestors
Hi Friend,
I share with you here a channeled letter from my ancestors. These began to show up in my journal when I would trance out and allow the prayers of my heart to be answered through the pen. I share this with you because they asked me to - to encourage you and to give you the spark to write to your own and see what comes through on the page. So much power is contained within you from your bloodlines, earthly, galactic, angelic, elemental… You came from more than just your parents and their forefathers. Lean into the discovery of that which is great and magical within you.
I am a river of love. Always moving. Always flowing. I never run out for the source of my existence is eternal. I am the source of love itself and when I am completely sure of this fact, there will be nothing that I cannot accomplish, be, do have.
I am in fact love itself and I know this. When I separate myself from love because of the fear I have bathed in, that fear overtakes the very sense I know to be true - that love is all around me and that I am alchemically tied to its ability to transform anything.
I am the source of love in its most potent form and that has been quite scary to me because instead of seeing/feeling its reflection, it has sparked the reflection of fear within me and from those around me because we can see how far from love we truly are.
I need not fear anything because that is an illusion created to separate me from my power.
Power within is increasing and growing in size, form and density, and there will be more opportunities for me to see the magic that is contained within and available to draw from.
At this point my ANCESTORS BEGIN to SPEAK and take over the page
So much of what you have experienced up to this point was to teach you contrast. What it feels like to not have, to not be, to have and not be able to do anything with it, to know and have no one to tell. To experience the frustrations of lack.
It was Not however for you to BE lacking.
From now you will come to experience the very opposite. To have and be able to share. To know and have many to tell. To be the source of love. To be the nurturing force of kindness rooted in knowing thyself and the mysteries of the Universe.
Many have been afraid of you because they saw the power that you possessed and wanted it for themselves or were afraid of how you would wield it. We know this has been the source of great pain for you as a being who did not carry the same capacity of feelings.
You are coming into you power. You are coming into a great knowing of yourself and what you are capable of. Embrace the openings of your gifting, embrace the beauty being placed on your path. Embrace the love you are experiencing and the additional reflections of love to come.
It is no coincidence you are where you are. It is no coincidence that you are where Edgar Cayce made his home. It is no coincidence you are by the ocean. It is no coincidence you feel what you have been feeling. It is no coincidence that you find peace in this city. It is no coincidnece that you are around the people you are around. It is no coincidence that you are required to rest as much as you are. And it will be no coincidence that your life will unfold in the most beautifully exciting ways now.
Never think that your hard work, the tears, the surrendering, the traveling, the dangers, the releasing did not matter. The everything you experienced had purpose. Great purpose.
Even the time taken away from your writing and your “spiritual practices” as you call them, was no coincidence. Everything that you do is spiritual for that is who you are and there lies no distinction in that.
The time taken was required integration time, and it will all become clearer to you and to the wonder being you call daughter.
The two of you have a long standing eternal relationship. You two have been friends, lovers, brothers and sisters, parent and child many times over and you are both powerful beings not from here. You come from an Ancient Time and you both carry ancient wisdom. Fear not her unfolding as well. You will be a great source of love and comfort for each other and need not fear the openings you both are to experience.
Teachers are all around you. There is no one person capable of giving you all you need as mostly all is within you. However, your greatest teachers are not in the flesh. It will increasingly become more important for you to quiet your mind and develop your relationship with them from within.
There is no one person that you are required to do anything for except yourself at this time. You are always or have in the past put the needs of others before your own. You are now required to put yourself first.
Daughter, trust yourself. Trust your intuition. Trust your heart. Trust that which makes you pause. Trust that which creates pure joy within you. TRUST YOURSELF.
Do speak to us more often. Tell us who you need help from. The qualities that that person possesses. You have us to use. Do so. We love you deeply and we are you.
When you honor and venerate us, we rejoice. Your energetic exchange empowers us with more love. We in turn have more energy to use. We collectively work on your behalf. You have ancestors from all walks of life. All colors and all types. Those who walked the Earth and those who never had a body but were a part of your family amongst the stars. Different venerations honor different parts of your ancestry. Gazing at the stars with love and gratitude. Pouring water in nature. Giving honey and seeds to the trees. Pouring libations in the ocean. Each has a different honoring and you do well in recognizing us all, even though those outward gestures are not required for us to be with you and help you. They give us more energies to do so but we are all collectively powerful without them.
Beloved, you are so very loved and cared for. You are so very nurtured for the precious beauty that you are. Your soul is beautiful and we love you.
In Gratitude,
Your Ancestors