Art of Waking

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Ascension Sickness

Sometimes there is no medical explanation for an oncoming illness. You are doing great and then all of a sudden, you’re ill and bed ridden. No one else around you is sick or at least not like you are. You go to the doctor and they tell you, it must be a common cold/virus because they can’t find anything either. They send you off with the standard medication and tell you to rest a few days and you’ll be fine. However, everything in you is telling you that this is not a normal illness.

What you could be experiencing are ascension symptoms. This is very common on your healing journey as the body purges old beliefs, old traumas and begins to take in new light. The body will go through a detoxing and this can show up in your reality looking like cold/flu symptoms.

What can you do about it?

Drink plenty of activated water. Rest. Journal and process your feelings/emotions that may be coming up to be witnessed and let go of. And allow the intelligence of your body and its consciousness to do their jobs. So often we try to micromanage our journeys, when we are really being asked to surrender to the wisdom of our higher selves. Trust that all will be well no matter what.

Now, as a disclaimer for those who need it, I am speaking about illness that is non life threatening. If you need to see someone, please do. I am only giving the perspective that there may be a higher cause for your run of the mill cold.

In love
