A Call to the Healers of this World
There are all types of healers. Those who are gifted in their ability to use their own voices. Those who can heal bodies physically, mentally, emotionally. Those who have the gift of words. Those who we simply only need to stand in their presence, for they can initiate healing in the people they are near simply by being around them. They do not have to do anything else for their auric field is the healing force required.
No matter what type of healer they are - that is who they are and what they do. It is a constant thought or feeling on their minds and in their hearts. How can they impact others.
Are you one of these people?
If you are, bless you and the beauty you bring to this world and the people you touch.
Lean more into your knowledge, gifts, skills and abilities. Lean more into the power you have. Lean into you. Trust that the stronger you get in what you have to offer, you will naturally attract the people to you who need you. The people who have been waiting for you to not only accept your calling in this life but to own that calling. To stand in it and no longer be intimidated or influenced by the ways of the past and how you needed to sell yourself or give yourself away. The more you lean into the natural power you have, the more at peace you will be with the prices you charge for your services or not charge for them at all in certain circumstances, the more potent your services will be and the more confidence you will have in them.
It is important for you to feel good about what you are putting out into this world. It is important that you actually not only believe in yourself but that you KNOW yourself. You know what you have to offer and you cannot be dissuaded from that. You will only get stronger and my friend, that is precisely what we need right now. Strong, grounded, capable, powerful healers who are not afraid of themselves.
Trust in your ability. I do.
Love you xx