It's Alright to Not Feel Good All the Time
Law of Attraction Manifestors would have you believe that you must be high vibe all the time and that if you are not, then you are putting yourself at risk of not getting what you want. I am here to tell you that is complete bollucks. In fact, attracting what you need into your life is happening all the time. It may not be what you want but the Universe is speaking to us in every moment. And what you may need is to dive deeply into your emotions and sit in them until you have had a few a-ha moments. This can be very uncomfortable and it may not be what you want to do but let me tell you how worth it it is.
You see, your true manifestation is on the other side of your pain. It is the manifestation of your soul’s true self. Your sovereignty.
It is you birthing YOU!
Imagine what it would feel like to be so whole and in love with yourself that all that other outward facing stuff doesn’t even matter. Imagine loving yourself so totally that you could see yourself in other people who may be struggling and find compassion because you found compassion for yourself. Imagine being at peace when you look in the mirror. Imagine forgiving yourself for everything that you’ve ever done wrong and making peace with others. What would that feel like?
It’s possible, friend.
Love you xx